Our Services

At The Huntsville Chiropractic Clinic, we take great satisfaction in providing Chiropractic and wellness care at reasonable cost. Our office provides the following services:
Chiropractic Care
We use light non evasive modern Chiropractic techniques to reduce and remove nerve irritation and impingements. Our methods are safe and comfortable using Dr. David A. Lands many years of Chiropractic expertise.
Electrical Therapy
Electrical muscle stimulation(EMS) is used to reduce inflammation and pain which enables muscles to relax allowing Dr. David A. Land to gently reposition misaligned vertebre and displaced discs. As you progress thru care, a alternate form of EMS can be applied to aid in the restrengthening and rehabilitation of joints and muscles to help restore performance and efficiency.
Corrective Exercises
We provide customized exercise plans to help you strengthen and stabilize your own unique problem. Hese exercises can be comfortably performed at home with minimal equipment and expense. These exercises not only help skeletal misalignments, but also reduce musclular imbalances which are a main cause for your consistent patterns of repetitive pain and symptoms. Let us help you break the cycle of pain.
After the evaluation of the source of your problem, we will utilize light and easy stretches to restore flexibility and normal joint motion. Many times loss of elasticity is the beginning of joint dysfunction and arthritis.
Mechanical Traction
Long axis traction is a safe therapy in which a light progressive pull is applied to the joint that has become compressed thereby pinching the nerve. It is also very effective in the treatment and management of a herniated disc by slowly over several applications guide the disc back within its margins as the surrounding tissues heal and stabilize.
Rehabilitation is the restoration of a joint or its motion through work or lifestyle hardening techniques. This is accomplished through controlled and monitored exercises and movements with progressive resistance applied to recreate and exceed normal lifestyle stresses. Our goal will be to return your and body toy your pre-injury capabilities.
Lifestyle Modifications
We find it necessary for many of our patients to coach or teach prevent further aggravation of their health condition. We do not believe in the doctrine of “if it hurts, don’t do it”, instead it is our office belief of “you only live life once, lets enjoy it pain free”. Through education we try to restore the ability of you to live your life, so enjoy it!
Our bodies nutrition provides us with the building blocks not only for today, but each of tomorrows as well. We make recommendations of nutritional supplements, healthy food choices, and cleansing techniques to enhance the patients’ health. We will explain and customize your nutritional gaps due to GMO’s and processed foods.
Spinal Screenings
Spinal screenings are a great way for us to meet the community in a familiar environment for many individuals. They can reveal many important health issues that will help you unlock your full potential. Contact us if you would be interested In having us participate in area health fairs, community events, or your place of employment
7:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 5:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 5:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 5:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 5:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday

Huntsville Chiropractic Clinic
1111 Wayne Road NW #3
Huntsville, AL 35806
(256) 430-1771